Creating Hygge At Home
Creating a hygge home is all about making your house feel cosy, safe and secure. It’s about facilitating a feeling of warmth for your family. Creating a hygge home shouldn’t mean you need to go out on a spending spree to create it. If you can, use what you already have. In our house we have a ‘Hygge Box’ which is just our Fortnum & Mason basket, filled with everything we need for our hygge nights. While hygge can be for everyday, we chose to have a special hygge night as a family, as a form of self-care. Hygge is particularly important for children who crave connection and security, after a long day at school which often involves lack of security and connection. Creating a Hygge Box makes hygge easier and therefore more likely to happen.
Things you can put in or beside your Hygge Box:
Cosy socks
Warm blankets
Sachets of hot chocolate
A candle or two
A jumper
Leggings or comfortable trousers
Tasty snacks
Your favourite book
A pack of cards
A board game
A puzzle
Hygge should be the way you want it to be, that means that if you feel most cosy with a happy film on, that’s hygge to you. For other people it’s about chatting without distraction.
One thing that is important, however, is turning off mobile phones. Mobile phones are such a big part of our lives, and they are fantastic, but they are a distraction from those around us and can prevent us from being present and at peace. We find that putting phones in another room prevents the temptation of checking our notifications. You will feel so much more connected with those around you and yourself if you have some time away from your phone.
By having a special hygge time, say Sundays at 6pm, everyone in your family knows when it’s time for their soul to rest. No matter how stressful their day or week has been, they have something to look forward to.
One thing we like to do during hygge is to sit on the floor surrounded by cosy cushions and warm blankets, it’s easier to play board games and particularly nice if you have an open fire; however it’s not necessary. If you feel more comfortable on the sofa, that’s the best way to hygge for you. This is your hygge.
Candles are a big part of hygge but it candles aren’t your thing, use a lamp which isn’t too bright and avoid turning on the big light. Warm red light, like fire, gets us into a rested state of mind.
Another thing that should be avoided during hygge is talking about topics which have potential for arguments, such as religion or politics. Try to keep things happy and light. This is your escape from the outside world, so try not bring the troubles of the outside world in.
Some nights you might feel too tired to play games and that is okay. Sometimes the best way to be kind to yourself is to put your favourite film on and cuddle up with your loved ones and a cup of hot chocolate. Don’t be hard on yourself if your hygge doesn’t look picture perfect; this is about comfort and connection and not looking good.